
Cuyagua 72% won in the International Chocolate Awards’ finals

Jun. 2020

The International Chocolate Awards grant us a prize for the single dark origin chocolate creation, by the end of 2019. This time, our Cuyagua 72% special edition won the bronze medal in the world competition, specifically in the “micro-batch - plain/origin dark chocolate bars” section.

This year, the judging had a special conformation of students and tasters certificated by the International Institute of Chocolate and Cacao Tasting.

The award ceremony was delivered in the historic city of Antigua in Guatemala, one of the “cradles” of cacao producing and chocolate creation and also is considered “one of the most beautiful and historic cities of the Americas”, according to the ICA’s website.

To be precise, the event took place on November 18th of the actual year in the Palacio de Los Capitanes, in which we won for the second time in the “world section”.

Previously in July in the ICA competition, Americas section, our chocolates Canoabo 70%, Río Caribe 70% and Carenero 70% won the silver medal in the plain origin bar category; Choroni 70% won the bronze medal. In the micro batch-plain origin bar, Cuyagua 72% won the bronze medal.

These awards motivate us to continue innovating, making ideas, efforts and working by the hand of our single dark origin chocolate to offer an extraordinary experience.